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Welcome to WanderwomanUSA

Thanks for stopping by to check out my blog. I’m delighted to be sharing my travels with you.  For the next several years, my husband, cat, dog and I will be exploring the American West together in our RV, seeking out its most beautiful and interesting places. We’ll also be tasting wine in every wine region that lies along our route.

I’ll be taking plenty of photographs and learning as much as I can about the places we visit, and I’ll share it all with you here on

You are welcome to leave comments on the site, and I will respond as promptly as possible. If you would like to be notified when the blog is updated with new posts, just provide your email address and I will add you to my subscribers list.

At some point in the near future I hope to post archives from previous versions of this blog as well as from the newsletters I sent out when the blog was suspended during Covid. I’ll notify subscribers as the archive material is added.

Photograph above is sunset over Lake Havasu, Arizona taken several years ago